Groundsheep Day 2021


As you know, almost every year on Groundsheep Day, Shearson leads Scott and me on some grand adventure. This year, for better and for worse, is not one of them. Last week, Shearson tested positive for OVINE-19.

Fortunately, it's not very dangerous to a sheep in good health. But, it is highly contagious. The CDC says that Shearson, and everyone he's come in contact with recently, has to remain isolated from the world for two weeks. After some contact tracing, it was determined that the only person Shearson has to quarantine with is.......

Stupid sheep. Anyway, we're sequestered in my basement. We won't be able to visit ATL this year, but we're both looking forward to the virtual Groundsheep Day ceremony you have planned for 9am on February 2nd, courtesy of Zoom and the ATL Media Team. Until then, stay safe, take care, and hopefully things will be back to normal in 2022.

Nick & Shearson

Epilogue: The ceremony was a rousing success. Shearson never saw his shadow. Admittedly, he didn't have much of an opportunity.

Afterwards, Shearson retired to the spa for a relaxing hot stone massage. Until next year....

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